Welcome to the Dream Journal!

this page is, predictably, used to write down noteworthy dreams we've had

02-09-24 at our house, playing locomotion on our grandparents' computer i think. then scott the woz himself shows up to hand us a Cease & Desist, but turns out he was at the wrong house i think. then there was some like, a party or something, and during that it started storming. some weird scenario happening in our bedroom/generally upstairs, followed by suddenly being in a british roblox train game that accurately lagged to hell and back whenever things would crash into eachother

i'm kinda impressed that roblox train game destruction lag is something that's such a constant in our life that it appeared in one of our dreams ngl

29-08-24 the first dream we had was like.. some sort of bar at the campground, which supported palestine (based)

the second dream.. we forgot entirely. but the third one i remember like, a model train store that had some weird units, and at some point i made Fluster and Mae confused by describing a "voltage" cargo in OTTD, despite such a thing not existing


25-08-24 weird library labyrinth, i remember the main room being like, two floors where one was just looking over the bottom floor. i was trying to do SOMETHING here but i don't quite remember what, and at some point we leave the library thing and we're on a city street. something happens here but i don't remember this either, but i do remember going inside a room adjacent to that and a friend was like "yo moxie, check it out, that church? it's from tom and jerry!" (the church being the library we just exited). and then like, being handed this weird sunscreen bottle-esque thing that was apparently some sort of cream soda flavored Paste, and then our class was about to start so we all gathered around in the room at the entrance, which had like, a trophy cabinet and stuff, and we were told to put the cream soda paste in there alongside other almost identical looking paste tube things, because apparently these are really valuable. anyway as soon as the class disbands to start the day i take the cream soda paste, along with a bag of twix flavored m&ms??? and i go walk to my locker to get stuff, and find that i didn't pack my lunch, and i don't have any money. for some reason there were also tons of pins on the ground in front of my locker? and i had to shut my locker with my jacket because it was just That broken somehow. Anyways i decide to also pick up those pins before starting to head to lunch, and at some point during this i'm given a lecture by THE DREAM ITSELF about railroad crossing design safety???

literally What

23-08-24 the main things i remember is that like, our house was being used as a prison for these Evil No-Good Bad Guys or something? and then like something about an airport nextdoor and some like, faux-fireplace heater thing that was Bad, Actually starts going CRAZY and it Smonks up the Entire Town. and so we're like "hey Bad Guys, you've all reformed right? HELP US NOT DIE FROM SMOKE" but then a HUGE plane comes through and clears the smonk, and thenn uhm. something about a weird cruise ship...???? and maybe shapeshifters?? the cruise ship looked like a casino on the inside but without any of the Gambling

possible meanings/causes:
yeah i don't think this one had a purpose

13-08-24 Don't quite remember the first part, but it was some weird big open field with something happening, followed by like, a computer class room (SOMETHING happened there but i don't remember what), the next part was us playing some roblox therian game and one of our partners was like "you must be having a lot of fun" (we were) and then like, some weird house with some weird things happening, and then we were in like. a service tunnel for a subway and there was a new locomotive being tested or something, but fargo (eureka) was in the way of me getting a photo of it?? then some weird railyard, it's now nighttime, and that new locomotive came back but with a normal current freight unit behind it followed by a steam locomotive on like. wooden palletes??? apparently it had something to do with load testing?? anyways next part i remember walking down a street, and an Amtrak consist passes me on the other side of the street, and it turned out that there was like, a local streetcar railway, but it was really janky because you had to like, manually tell it which stop to go to. but this streetcar railway also was like, a suburban cable car route (like air gondolas)?? and some guy in a cat costume was holding up the line

possible meanings/causes:
we DID play a therian roblox game the day before, and lots of transport fever 2 aswell, so that might explain the majority of this ngl

11-08-24 finding old model trains in our basement, and them being like. infected with The Mold. I think i actually just straight up Died to the mold? Anyway next part of the dream was like. a weird super monkey ball course, but it turned into a train in space??? and celestia and luna were there, and then weird al appeared and was trying to get some criminal off the train, but then after that there was like. a Murder Mystery or something and everyone started shouting and screaming and so i hid under a bench, and then i woke up

possible meanings/causes:
...probable cause of this one is most likely the like 4 seasons of khonjin house we watched with fluster the night before (oops)

06?-08-24 we're not 100% sure on which day this was, but it was likely the 6th. we don't remember much but, we do remember there being a ball pit, and then like. this weird maze that was also like. a film history corridor?? but all the films were just bootlegs of the polar express???? then there were bug creatures, but they weren't actually bugs because they were comprehensible creatures, they were more like. spore aliens? i guess? anyways uh, some murder mystery thing in the Chicago Science Museum??? also Mae was there i think

possible meanings/causes:
not sure tbh

04-08-24 - CW: abandonment (sorta) all i really remember is that one of our partners was shifting their sleep schedule for one of their friends, but also specifically to avoid us.

after waking up from that though, we had a dream about like. some labyrinth of a building that was kinda like GD from eureka, and then something about an elevator. next part i remember was some store, and this dude named either Todd or Tonn hated me and wanted to attack me, and there was like. this huge open room that was mildly flooded, and there were stores along the walls of this room

possible meanings/causes:
for the first dream, it's probably just because i worry too much about whether i'm "good enough" (imposter syndrome my behated), and for the second dream: i have No Idea

03-08-24 all i really remember is something about really dumb and silly train services in my town, Block Game-ing it up with the entrance to my house (which also was in SCP 3008?), something happened in a mall and i was given Dog Pills then some weird museum thing, then a hallway, and i noticed that a few of my friends had an eye icon next to their display names. SOMEWHERE in here our actual real life bedroom appears but I forgot where, and at the very end of the dream i literally said "brb" so i could wake up irl and go to the bathroom

possible meanings/causes:
dreams will be dreams. absolutely fascinated by the way it ended though

02-08-24 - contains image weird house. it was like. a beach house but in a giant store??? it was also nighttime even though you couldn't see the sky outside of the house itself, and there was a party

i don't really remember what happened between that and this next part, so i'll just write the next part.

walking along tracks and there being a bus. there were a few trains going on that track and they kept rear ending eachother fsr

possible meanings/causes:
not sure in all honesty

01-08-24 another school dream as usual, something about the classroom being haunted? the floor is made of like. sand or something and there's sinkholes that keep appearing but they're like. Ghost Sinkholes... Anyway, me and three other people who i do not remember were partnered up, and apparently the lockers in this school were like... partner system based??? it was like, four people to a locker but the locker had four doors and dividers that just didn't go all the way to the back or something, because they like. went INTO the walls and there were mice that could store smaller things behind the lockers??? idk. but uhm. the next thing i remember was that the four of us like, commissioned art to put on our doors to the locker because we wanted to stand out, and the artwork that was on mine was SUPER COOL and GOD I WISH I WERE THEM inducing

possible meanings/causes:
not a clue tbh. i think this one's just one of those "dream that never makes sense" dreams

31-07-24 - CW: spiders all i really remember is like. a room full of model trains, three of which were a large scale, and on a shelf. I think i was like.. "Yo check it out. I'm upscaling my scale! lol!" but then a spider-like creature falls onto my monitor and it starts jiggling around until it falls in my lap, and now I’m laying down fsr?? And the spider just kinda lays there and it’s warm. I can feel this thing. And so i pull out my phone and search “are arabian spiders safe”, and it says something about “oh yeah btw they can hear frequencies you can’t” and we put our phone back down and it skitters its way up to my left ear and starts making this weird noise and we can feel it. It’s warm and fuzzy. It then tries doing SOMETHING to our mouth, but i'm not sure what.

possible meanings/causes:
my only guess is that one of our cats was in the room, and we felt them lay down on us? but aside from that i'm clueless ngl

30-07-24 - contains image the dream starts... somewhere. i forget the first half of the dream. at some point the dream shifts to us being in like. this weird underground train museum (which, to emphasize, has been seen in a previous dream of ours from a year ago) and we like. get in a phone call with mae (who, for context, is one of our partners), and mae becomes like. a companion alongside the entire dream somehow? think like. Drilly from Garn47.
at SOME point during a tour of that museum there's like. a 50s cowboy-ish themed diner segment where the train you ride goes through a wall and then back out the other side like 10 feet next to it??? also a giant spamton themed woody statue???
the entire time we're like, trying our best to figure out how to get back to our house i think? sorta "lost dog trying to walk home from across the state" vibes i guess?
at some point during this trip to our house, we pass yet another location we've seen in a previous dream (a like... crystal cave with a railroad going through it), followed by us going down this corridor to a secret Russian Only Bar and we make our way out of it by saying "Да" once and with mae's help to say some basic sentences or something, and then there's like. wood chips. everywhere?? i think? and we're in like. our grandparents' trailer home at the campground if it were scaled up to be a regular house or something.. and we have to like. parkour up that to get to our room??
anyways we finally eventually reach our room, and mae coincidentally is like "oh! my mother has just gotten off the puter, i can talk on desktop now :3" because apparently the entire time she was previously speaking through mobile (or the laptop, not sure which) and our room is like. Destroyed. i don't know What happened but there are fans IN THE WALLS. it looked like that eureka episode we watched the night prior where things just like. timewarped into position or something. and so we try to do something in our room but we don't, and eventually we get on our computer and join mae in a computer call (because apparently calling works device-to-device now instead of cross-platform??) and then we woke up

possible meanings/causes:
my only guess is that it's something to do with like, just wanting a reason to talk to mae more often? but that doesn't really explain most of the dream.. i'm not sure honestly

28-07-24 something about a car crash, and then taking photos of these like. slowblower hi-rails?? i remember very specifically that i was scared because i was driving without a liscense.
later in the dream there was this weird train that was more like a big elevator on rails? it goes down a street and then SOMEHOW takes us to somewhere in europe, seemingly by accident??? it then like. runs into a pond or something.

possible meanings/causes:
dawg i'm gonna be real with you: i don't think this one had a meaning

22-07-24 something about like. going to a party. there's this dogguy, who kinda looks like peabody, and he's like. "yo try out this drug, it's super cool actually" and injects it into my left arm, and it starts looking kinda bumpy and gets rock solid??? he says it'll just go away on its own soon, and that it only did that because he injected it wrong by accident. he then injects it properly and it just straight up doesn't do anything. after the party's over we like, ride on a raft over to my back yard or something???

possible meanings/causes:
drugs can do unexpected things??? i guess????????????

20-07-24 i don't remember the first half but, the second half is like. a trailer for some game. this brown wolfgirl who's like, stacked on top of a horsegirl's head and she's like. "i'll lead!" and the horsegirl is like "i'll follow!" and it turns into like. a sidescroller beat-em-up with a bigband style ost like cuphead???

possible meanings/causes:
uh. .. .. take leadership???? other than that i'm clueless

19-07-24 weird haunted farmhouse, and then something that happened in our house but i don't remember what. after that there was like. this corporate brainrot roblox game where you collect small wooden squares to put on shelves in the correct order or something??

possible meanings/causes:
i think this one probably just exists because we were playing a lot of roblox before heading to bed

13-07-24 walter & co try a roblox escape room or something, and there's like. a door and a hallway in this like. office chitter chatter lunchbreak room, and then down the hallway there was this platform held up by wires that moved around (kinda like how an etch-a-sketch works) and he had to help get the cook from eureka but irish across this room, and then uh. i think the next part of the dream was a school dream. something something teacher asking me why i can't do my homework something something "i just straight up cannot get my brain to do homework. like, i'm really good at stuff when it's in-school! but my body physically cannot get around to working on homework" followed by the teacher straight up telling me to kill myself at which point i, too, told him to kill himself. (also, when he told me to off myself there was like. a Yeah! button that appeared next to them but it was blue and looked sad and ONLY the little guy icon). then like, something about bussing issues with the school and me escaping, and then like. i start heading home and on the walk there i make friends with a python or something? then i'm on a school bus and count olaf is the driver and he Fuckign Hates Me but eventually he does drop me off at my house (which is also like, a trailer home now?) and didn't notice it in-dream but my brain took note of the fact that the woods behind the house were Gone and so was the sky and then like, a passenger EMU hauling a boxcar comes down the street and has to stop for the bus driver because the bus driver's a dick and pulls out in front of them, but then everyone on the train gets out and is like "what the fuck is happening over here" and i look over and see the like.
what i can only describe as a kaleidoscope of reality (described as "a hole in the sky. looking through it repeated what you saw forever in a hexagonal spiral pattern")? uh. i was like "holy shit woah that's cool" and whipped out my canon powershot camera (slick) and took a photo, only to see that the photo wasn't even of the kaleidoscope when it gets rendered, and actually shows like. a higher level of reality?? and so i'm like "huh wtf" and show my(?) brother(?) who looks like an orange plushie of drilly from garn47 and he starts freaking the fuck out and is like "oh my god i'm just a plushie??" and runs away and so i chase him to go find him but can't and then there's like. this tiny little construction site next to the school from earlier where there's like numbered spikes or something and i touch one by accident and it spawns in like, a younger version of him??? but he's also a SNAKE NOW??? and so i'm like oh wow we need to preserve these! and while we're trying to i accidentally press on another one and it spawns like. Little Bro Eating Spaghetti For The First Time.mov and i have to dig it out and i interact with it by accident and little bro is like "omg hai (M Name that i can't remember) are you here to give me more spaghetti?? woaw" and i'm like oh hahah that's so cute and realize then and there oh my god i'm actually interacting with the past because i remember him doing that or something. anyways yeah pretty fucking wild dream

possible meanings/causes:
literally what the fuck could this POSSIBLY mean. i don't even know what could have caused this, either

25-06-24 Riding a cool knockoff of a railroad i like, also someone sang its been so long but as a parody about “i’m sad you broke up with me” to me?? Even though they were never in a relationship with me???
Before the train ride we were in some hospital that was also a school cafeteria (and before that, idk) and then we were in a different room after something spilled and went wrong???
then we started walking along the shore so we could go ride the train. also there was street running :3

possible meanings/causes:
honestly clueless. probably just an example of "dreams will be dreams"

25-06-24 a friend of ours was playing ottd, and I remember very specifically a tunnel that went to nowhere and trains getting stuck at it. I remember it so vividly that i could go recreate it from memory rn if i wanted to
it was like, was a huge ass railyard with like a split track to make it have "more space functionally" or something, and then the tunnel went into two tiles that just couldn't be extended because there was road and building, and there were like. four trains waiting. one in the tunnel, two behind the one in the tunnel, and one stuck on the two tiles after the tunnel which was facing the tunnel instead.
also in my dream you could rotate the camera

possible meanings/causes:
probably was playing ottd the day before

14-06-24 - CW: Sleep Paralysis for the first half “The sun was mad”. If you didnt have a birthday cake with 37 candles on it in each of your bathrooms (or if you didnt have bathrooms, then every accessibleroom in your household) then the sun would just Kill You
We tried waking up 23 times, and that’s just the times we were keeping track of. Genuine hell, btw. I would much prefer it if i never experienced “unable to control your body despite every nerve in it feeling like you’re moving” ever again. What certainly also didn’t help was the fact that the sleep paralysis was like, CANON to the dream. It was like a Sign that the sun was about to Do That or something.

Next dream:

I remember like, seeing myself in a mirror and looking really cool at a specific angle. and some murder mystery started right after?
Apparently a train hit someone in front of my house, and detectives were trying to figure out why the motorthem drove away. also I saw like, someone cosplaying as me in the dream??? According to Seunp they were the killer, and they were framing me by cosplaying as me???

possible meanings/causes:
for the first one: no clue. we just kinda Have Nightmares Like That. for the second one: also kinda clueless ngl

08-06-24 our house, some weird cinnamon rolls that May or May Not be poisoned, which we eat all of and it tastes weird (btw yeah, did you know we can taste things in our dreams?). then after the weird food stuff there was some plotline about like, Dr. Kel from Hit Game "Voices of The Void" and he was like "oh yeah what there's an ice cream van or something in our back yard" and went to go chase it down. and during that i was like "Haha i'm gonna go use the bathroom now, have fun with that" and i noticed like fnaf plushies that were ontop of the cupboard thingy in the bathroom that were only visible in the mirror?? and Kel gets back and is like "oh yeah that's a Sign of Things" (i forgot what) and then something else happens but i forgot what. there was also a lot that was before all of what i described but i dont remember that either, maybe something to do with an appartment?

possible meanings/causes:
dreams will be dreams

03-06-24 for some reason we were one of the baudelaires and count olaf was an actual caretaker rather than a villain but he had to hide us from his parents, and at some point his parents show up and weird timeline shifting nonsense happens and suddenly they’re cool too??? also his mom also handed us an orange and we were like “omg oranges are good what” because we’ve never eaten an orange before (irl or otherwise), then like some weird event at this big ass lobby thingy...? then something about like, jesse and i doing SOMETHING but i don't remember what, and then skylar comes home and jesse's like "oh shit we gotta scram" and comedically fails being stealthy about it, and then like. ice fishing in minecraft, and walter white fighting a polar bear???

possible meanings/causes:
yeah idk about this one. there's probably not much meaning or causes here aside from just, the breaking bad binge we and our partners were on at the time

19-05-24 mall... but with housing instead of outlet stores? iirc there was like, a CDSF Fans Meeting or something?? and there was some new like. Spinoff of CDSF or something like it was a TV show that just was Really Popular and (unrelated to the CDSF part) some kid was selling chocolate cookies... with oreo ice cream as a topping?? and then he was like "Ok No Fuck You, This Is Deluxe Only Now" and was selling THE OREO ICE CREAM AS ITS OWN SEPARATE PURCHASE. also this chocolate chip cookie oreo ice cream thing cart he had was in this weird like spiral staircase of an appartment that also had like cubicals in it. i think that's what the housing instead of outlet stores was like?

possible meanings/causes:
another "idk"

19-05-24 the first half of the dream... there was this GIANT cat, like. not giant as in house giant but realistically giant. and it was apparently shadow and raven's mom? and we were told to get these treats for all three of them, so we went to go get that, but couldn't find it. and somehow that transitioned to being in the wilderness of alaska after being dropped off by an amtrak consist from the fuckin 90s?? and then like, someone was like "haha this isn't washington, this is alaska!" and then the fucking Polar Express arrives with this really cool and awesome cinematic. genuinely looked awesome i wish i could show you it. but uh, it arrives and we get on it and like. idk what happened between that and this next part but, in the next part, we were somehow on a handcar just. chasing it trying to catch up, and there was a river where we stopped. i dont know why we did, but something weird happened there and then we started the chase again, and did an in-motion couple with the observation car. then we get on the observation car and it's like, reserved for staff only or something and so we have to climb onto the roof and go to the next car. Well the next car is a fucking refridgerator car disguised as a coach. except that's only one half of it, the other half is a sauna??? but it's like filled to the brim with branches and leaves n shit, and then like, there's a floorboard that's popped open and there's just the skeleton of some creature??? and so we're like "Eh Whatever. That's Weird, Why Is That Here? But Whatever." and just start cramming that into the furnace, and then we hear this weird like. alert jingle. dingle. thing. idk, and i look out the side of the car and i see THIS THING. THIS ABSOLUTE THING OF A CREATURE. PRESUMABLY WHAT THOSE BONES WERE MADE UP OF CREATURE. IT'S LIKE THE GORSE FROM PEOPLE PLAYGROUND BUT AS A WORM?? AND IT'S HUGE. LIKE. I'M TALKIN' HOUSE SIZE HUGE. AND IT'S CHASING US AND OOPS THE CAR WE'RE ON JUST GOT UNCOUPLED FROM THE TRAIN BECAUSE THEY NEEDED TO LOSE WEIGHT TO RUN AWAY FROM IT FAST ENOUGH OR SOMETHING. OOPS WE NEED TO RUN. and so the rest of the dream was just running for our life to get to the train

possible meanings/causes:
haha What

03-06-22 Railfanning in some remote forest location, then driving to Canada and seeing some cool stuff, and then we went into a town after railfanning at a crossing for a bit and tried to find a specific building. We eventually find it, and go inside

The inside of this building is like, an antique store or something, and we explore that for a little bit (but it's very cramped) and there was just. Another me standing there waiting to greet me. Huh I Wonder What That Could've Meant Hmm

Also, upon meeting this other me, the building turned into a GIANT indoor skate park, and then like, they start talking to me and I stop them and say "hey. you talk a lot like this other person I know." and the other me says "What? Haha no there's No Way" and then they like, run off and come back and it turns out they WERE that person but just cosplaying as me??? and then the skatepark turns into an internet cafe and/or a library??? We talk with this person for a little while but soon we say our goodbyes, and then I'm like. teleported into a Tower Of Terror-esque ride about liminal spaces??? And during that someone like, uses my likeness and turns it into a Tarrot Card????

possible meanings/causes:
according to the original journal entry for this, almost ALL of this dream was in some way influenced by something that actually happened the day before, but none of it's really noteworthy in any way wethinks

14-02-22 - contains image Chapter 6 of Deltarune just dropped or something, and it like. slowly just becomes a horror game or something? Segment where you'd interact with Asriel, and every time you did a knife coming out of the hole in the ground would grow, and Ralsei would take the place of Asriel until the knife retracted fully.

there was also some segment where we were chasing asriel down a hill made of circles

possible meanings/causes:
i genuinely have no fucking clue. like. what

27-09-19 Post-Apocalyptic world where a virus is going around that turns people's skin blue, and then the person starts decomposing... although sometimes the virus just, reverts itself on its own?

Somehow, one of my cats (Chloe) was duplicated by this virus, and now her and her clone also have 4 eyes? Apparently staying in the light is one of the ways to avoid getting the virus.

We head on our way to school, and apparently the virus broke out here pretty bad. We encounter Mae (who at this point in time irl was just a school friend we had a crush on), and apparently she's been studying the virus in an attempt to find a cure. She points out some of the strange ways the virus is affecting me, in particular a green stripe across my head, and somehow everyone in the school who's gotten it has had the virus revert itself on its own.

Something about watching a 1940s animated film.

possible meanings/causes:
i have no idea, but the fact that we had this dream a few months before COVID-19 is kinda wack

30-06-19 - CW: Parental Abuse(?) Your name? Excel. Your goal? To remove that damn camera from your bedroom. This is made difficult because your dad will be home soon, and will probably be pissed about it because of how overprotective he is.

In your room, you have a model railroad right beside your bed. Your room is also in the basement. The only way you can stay sane down here is by watching your favorite artists' videos on the internet.

There are guests over at the house. You can't go up there yet. Your mother is home, and she isn't quite as strict as your father. The guests will be gone soon.

Uh oh, your dad's home, and he's fucking pissed. He found the camera in the kitchen. You better hide, you know what happens when he finds you.

possible meanings/causes:
probably just us being upset about there being cameras in a lot of rooms in our house irl

07-05-19 - CW: Gun Unsafety Hiding out along a storage track in Kingsbury which has four single levels on it, it's autumn, and I'm leaning against the wall of an abandoned station at said storage track. I look around the four single levels a bit, and then walk towards the woods after noticing 3501, a new engine on the roster. It's like the regular orange and maroon livery on the freight road's geeps, but sandy and faded instead. After walking towards the trees, 3501 pulls out of a siding next to the single levels and shoves them onto the mainline. I pause and think to myself about how it was "worth it" to see such an operation.

After that, I walk home, where me, my mother, and my grandparents live in a trailer park. Me and my mother having our own separate trailer, apparently. While I'm home, I get told about how a big game got a major update to the way it handles tracks, allowing for more functionality. Didn't really seem to care about it, but checked it out anyway. Apparently in this universe, the lead developer of the game was just always chilling on a balcony next to the main "Feature Plaza", and he tells me to run along and go test stuff out on my own.

I log off, and hear a loud bang. Apparently my mother convinces my grandma that it was a gunshot, and that I was the one who fired it (and I did it for a joke, apparently?). The two of them walk up to me, and interrogate me about this. "So, you fired a gun, huh? Do you have any idea how unsafe that is for a teen like you?" and I respond with "Yeah yeah, but it wasn't me, fucker." My mother then pulls out one of those toy guns that shoots a banner, and pretends to shoot herself in the head, but the perspective made it look like it was a real gun. "What the fuck do you want?" I ask. Not much else of note happens after that.

possible meanings/causes:
one of those "dreams will be dreams" kinda dreams, wethinks

20-03-19 - CW: Death Deltarune got a sequel, and it takes place on an island. Everything's fine but when you get to the ending shit kinda hits the fan. Something about a broken elevator, and Ralsei dying to it? Then like. A distant timelapse of the island growing in population with music that just gets progressively worse. The game then crashes on Ralsei's face. The achievements are all about other ways the rest of the cast can die.

possible meanings/causes:
i genuinely have no fucking clue. like. what

Before the 27th of February, 2019 - CW: kinda gore-y? if something like Springtrap counts as gore okay so, this one's from WAAAY long ago and is actually the FIRST entry we've ever written in our actual dream journal, which we only even started BECAUSE of this dream. unfortunately as a result, the actual date this dream was had is unknown, just which day it was written down.

The dream starts in Gary, something about a freight train on an opposing track. Nothing of real note there.

The next part we remember was that we were in a school, and that the outside world was darker than dark. The inside of the school was flooded, and we were in the cafeteria. Someone we once knew made a crude wooden boat, and we partner up with them for some sort of race down a hallway. We find a door after some weird shenanigans and we open it, we go in the room and see nothing.

A human face appears. it has robotic eyes, and their mouth is held open with metal rods. This face starts speaking to us, not with words but with beeps. We can comprehend it regardless. It is now shouting things like “Your fault! Faulty! You killed them! You brought our suffering!”, and the face deteriorates as it continues speaking.

A wireframe of a rabbit appears, lowered onto a stage via wires. A music box begins to play, as it is placed beside another character of a similar design.

possible meanings/causes:
yeah in retrospect this one's just "hey look it's like. if FNaF was a Weird Dream, Actually"