About Us

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howldy, uhm. there's not much to say about us and we're kinda bad at talking about ourselves, but. we go by the name Brooke (short for Brookelynne), and accept any pronouns because we're genderfluid and gay as hell

occasionally we make art, music, videos, etc. our hobbies mostly revolve around the things we make, for instance, we like photography, which can be used in parts of album covers for our music, or background images for our art! if anyone's curious, we use:

- FL Studio 21 for music making,
- Paint (dot) Net for drawing and image editing (though we use "sketchbook" when we're on our phone),
- a Sony HDR-CX210 for filming,
- and a Canon Powershot ELPH190IS for photos

and aside from that, uhm. i guess the only thing else i could talk about is my history!

the WolfSpace History Lesson begins now:
Back in like, I think 2016? we started trying out making music in a program called LMMS, which to our memory was a pretty bad program, but that could be just us looking at it with whatever the opposite of rose-tinted glasses is. The music that we made in LMMS is lost to time, as far as we're aware? Which honestly is probably a good thing. It was all terrible. Anyway, eventually we swapped to FL Studio (i forget which specific version) and start working on music in there, and we didn't get very far in the "originality" department until around 2018, at which point we started to work on music for our Dream Project (Bad idea. Don't work on your dream project before working on anything else.) This "Dream Project" would eventually be known as Campfire Stories (abbreviated as CFS), because we couldn't think of a better name. We would continue to work on and off on Campfire Stories as a concept for a few years, and along that path we would pick up art as "An Actual Thing We Could Do Now" in various (failed) attempts to make the world of Campfire Stories come to life. Of course, we already COULD make art, but it was... lackluster, to say the least. Eventually though, Campfire Stories would evolve into a new, easier to execute concept, simply titled "The Museum of Sleep" (abbreviated as TMoS), which would be a Yume Nikki-esque exploration game made in RPG Maker 2003 where all the rooms are based on dreams we've had. This, too, would not see the light of day, because it turns out that making a game is harder than you'd think. Which is a shame because we are the laziest people we know of... oops. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention it, but TMoS was first started in mid-2023 and cancelled in early-2024, to put into perspective the timeframe we've been talking about. In terms of "big artistic projects/plans for the future" that're relevant today in a post-CFS and post-TMoS world? Erm... well... we don't have any plans. oops. The MAIN things we wanna focus on nowadays is just trying to move in with our two partners (Fluster and Mae (the two of which we love very dearly <3 <3)), but that's a Very Far Future Thing, probably.

wow! that is a lot of text! the long story short is: we started working on a few concept-of-a-plan artistic projects that never went anywhere, but we learned skills that allow us to make music/art now, so it kinda worked out in the end

trivia time!!!

our favorite type of railroad is interurban (they're so silly...)

our favorite colors are red and orange (the railfans in the crowd are looking at me with the "I Know What You Are." stare right now)

in terms of musicians/bands we like, that list would include: Weezer, They Might Be Giants, Patricia Taxxon, Femtanyl, and Oliver Buckland

our favorite (non-story) games are Balatro, OpenTTD, Railroader, HellDivers II, and (regrettably) Peggle Deluxe

our favorite (story) games are OneShot, Deltarune, Super Lesbian Animal RPG, Undertale, and Cemetery Mary (along with every other game made by arcade)

we're on Estrogen!!! we started transitioning on 2022/11/29 (if the date we found is to be believed)

we've got two partners which we love very much :3 (๐Ÿ’› ยท 2024/01/25 / ๐Ÿ’œ ยท 2023/12/31)

English is our first language, but we're slowly learning Russian because Mae knows a lot of it, and we think it'd be cool to be able to talk with her in Russian

speaking of languages, we have our own conlang! it's known as wulajeba, and is very, very heavily wip still. it's also kinda just mostly a reskin of English though so it's not very interesting

Emby and Ruby are the only two actual full headmates, the rest of them are moreso just fragments

oh yeah, we should probably list the "we" in question, oops


talksprite: ๐Ÿ’ซ (reason: when fronting, our body feels dizzy)

The only headmate (aside from Ruby) that isn't a fragment. The least common one, being the "Emergency Wolf". Typically only appears in times of need, such as when one or more of us are spiraling out of control and can't think straight.

Plurality Role: Border

talksprite: ๐ŸŒน (reason: alternate name he was considering)
resident borzoi
any pronouns, prefers when they're randomized

The most common of the pack, you're probably talking to this one at any given time. Big fan of photographing things, albeit not very good at being its own creature, and is kinda just a mix of the others... honestly that's just about it in terms of description of myself

Plurality Role: Host

talksprite: ๐Ÿ’€ (reason: obvious wethinks)
skull-themed wolf
any pronouns, prefers he/him

Roughly second most common, a bit of a hothead, but when he's NOT being an asshat he's pretty chill. Can oftentimes be useful in getting us to actually do things we're supposed to, but isn't really the best at doing that because there's a high chance he'll just give up out of frustration

Plurality Role: Avenger, ftmp that is

talksprite: ๐Ÿช (reason: cute nickname our partners refer to her as)
gray wolf
any pronouns, prefers she/her

Tied for second in commonality, the resident "little" of the system, easily frightened and extremely shy and reclusive when not having a good time. Self described "Silly One", which to be fair is pretty accurate when she's not panicking about something

Plurality Role: Little

talksprite: Embry uses ๐ŸŽถ, Athena uses ๐ŸŽ€, and Zoey uses ๐Ÿงฌ, which are all references to a story we never released
any pronouns, prefers they/them

Mixed bag, having three personalities (Embry, Athena, and Zoey) that are all usually equally a hint of silly. Do note though, they prefer to just be referred to as June. Doesn't do much, but usually is there when we can't figure out who's in the front.

Plurality Role: Dissociation Processor, also Versiogenic, technically

talksprite: ๐ŸŒซ (reason: our brain gets foggy when pur locks in)
abstract idea of a creature
any pronouns, no preference

Enjoys drawing, demolishing photos/artworks, and making wacky sounds in FL Studio. Basically just likes manually creating things, regardless of how. Not a very common fronter, despite the fact that everyone wants them to front like almost constantly.

Plurality Role: Crafter

talksprite: ๐Ÿฆˆ (reason: vasya thinks sharks are cool)
gray wolf
any pronouns, he/him preferred

Vasya is a weird situation, being somewhat of a holdover from a previous generation of our headspace. He's the Sensory Soother of the headspace, fronting whenever something's wrong physically/mentally in an attempt to fix it by brute force.

Plurality Role: Sensory Soother

talksprite: ๐ŸŽป (reason: "Viol" start to the word, and also because she's associated with acoustic guitars)
gray wolf
any pronouns, she/her preferred

Ruby's interpretation of Emby, sticks around though because of Emby's struggle to communicate. Usually she's okay at calming things down, but there's still the occasional time where that's not the case.

Plurality Role: Versiogenic

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